OUR VARIOUS STAKEHOLDERS AND PARTNERS are uniquely valuable assets of The University Club of Winter Park. We will always go to extreme lengths to follow ethical best practices in the confidential care and maintenance of any personal information in our possession.

It is the policy of The University Club of Winter Park to protect the privacy of our members, membership applicants, program participants, volunteers, contributors and other Website users and the confidentiality of their personal information, whether hard copy or electronic. The University Club of Winter Park maintains various databases with personal identification and contribution information in accordance with the general needs and expectations of our operations. The information contained in such databases is intended exclusively for purposes related to our operations and is highly protected.
Unless you designate otherwise, or we explicitly state otherwise, in this policy or at the time information is collected, any personal information you provide to The University Club of Winter Park will be known only to you and The University Club of Winter Park. The following policies explain how your personal information will be treated. Personal information includes your name, address, phone number and email address, click-through activity and any other personal information you may provide here. These policies may change from time to time, so please check back periodically if this is an area of concern for you.

Traffic Data

Each time a visitor comes to The University Club of Winter Park Website, our Web server software—like most Web server software—collects some basic technical information including, for example, the visitor’s domain name (e.g., whether the user is logged on from aol.com, earthlink.net, cfl.rr.com, and so on), referral data (for example, a record of the address of the last Web page URL a user visited prior to clicking through to a Winter Park Live Oak Fund Website) and browser and platform type (such as the Safari browser on a Macintosh computer, or Internet Explorer on a Windows computer).

We may also count, track and aggregate Website visitor activity into our analysis of general traffic flows at our site (such as tracking which other Websites our visitor traffic comes from, how traffic flows within The University Club of Winter Park Website, and so on). To these ends, we may merge information about visitors and visits into group data, but we will not disclose your individual identity or personally identifiable data without your permission. In th event that we present aggregated information to any outside third party, no one will be able to identify you or contact you.

Use of Cookies

A “cookie” is a small amount of data sent to your browser by a Web server and stored on your computer’s hard drive. We may use cookies from time to time in a limited way to help deliver customized, user-specific information such as text size preferences, to deliver our own announcements and promotional information, to identify the unique browser types that visit our Websites and to track usage throughout our Websites. We may also use cookies to make transaction processes more convenient for our Website users. Cookies only identify specific computers, and do not have the ability to identify specific individuals.

Email newsletters

The University Club of Winter Park may from time to time send a variety of email newsletters (or print newsletters) to registrants who have “opted-in” to request such newsletters. The Web page URLs in our email newsletters, if any, may contain unique codes to allow us to gauge the effectiveness of such newsletters and to determine how such newsletters are being used by our members and various other stakeholders. This information is valuable to us in the aggregate, but we will not make use of such information to track any individual Website user’s clicking activity.

Special promotional activities

From time to time, The University Club of Winter Park may sponsor contests or other promotional activities which require the collection, processing and storage of individual contact and demographic information (such as your age and state of residence) to be used for such promotional activities. The University Club of Winter Park may also co-sponsor such promotional activities together with other organizations or companies, in which case a Website user’s individual contact and demographic information is likely to be shared with our co-sponsors, who may use this information as they wish. A registrant’s personal contact and demographic information will not be released to any third-party organization other than named sponsors without the registrant’s consent, and The University Club of Winter Park will request that such named sponsors respect and uphold the privacy of the registrants’ information by not distributing or sharing such information with any other organizations or third party entities.


The University Club of Winter Park may from time to time conduct voluntary surveys of visitors to our Websites, with the objective of obtaining aggregate opinions, or socio-demographic and consumer preference information. Such information may be compiled and shared in the aggregate with third parties, but no personal details will be traceable or associated with specific individuals.

Our commitment to children’s privacy

Protecting the privacy of the very young is important to us. Accordingly, we do not collect or maintain information at our Website from those who we actually know to be under age 13, and no part of our Website is structured to specifically attract children.

Other disclosure of personal information

The University Club of Winter Park will not otherwise use or disclose your personal information without your consent except (i) as described in this privacy policy, or (ii) as required by law, court order or as requested by other government or law enforcement authority. This policy does not protect information you post to any on-line bulletin board, chat room, newsgroup or other public forum which may exist from time to time within our Website.

Unsubscribing, opting-out, and data removal policies

Any member or other person may request removal from our database(s) at any time by completing the message form on our Contact Us page, simply typing “Database removal request” in the message box, and referencing the email address you provided us with in the email address box. For security confirmation purposes, we will respond by sending you an email which you must reply to, confirming your removal request.

No one from The University Club of Winter Park will ever contact you by email or phone to request that you provide confidential information unless you have first contacted us.

Other Websites

The University Club of Winter Park Website may, from time to time, contain links to other Websites on the Web. We cannot control and are not responsible for the privacy practices or content of such other Websites.

Who can I ask if I have other questions or need more information?
If you have any questions or specific concerns about The University Club of Winter Park privacy policies, or the ways in which we collect and use personal information, you can email your question or other information request to us by using the form on our Contact Us page, or by calling us at 407-644-6149.